
Please answer this 2 questions by reading the two research papers and watch the two videos:_x000D_
1(a) “Anxieties over technology can take on several forms and we focus on what we view as three of the most prominent concerns —-. First one of the most prominent concerns is that technological progress will cause widespread substitution of machines for labour which in turn could lead to technological unemployment and a further increase in inequality in the short run, even if the long run effects are beneficial.” (“The History of Technological Anxiety and the Future of Technological Growth: Is This Time Different?”, Mokyr, Vickers and Ziebarth, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Summer 2015)._x000D_
Critically evaluate this concern over technological progress._x000D_
1(b) “The growth of productivity (output per hour) slowed markedly after 1970. While puzzling at the time it seems increasingly clear that the one-time-only benefits of the Great Inventions and their spin-offs had occurred and could not happen again.” (“Is US economic growth over? Faltering innovation confronts the six headwinds”, Gordon, Robert J; Centre for Economic Policy Research, September 2012)._x000D_
In light of your reading (prescribed research papers) and your viewing (prescribed videos) critically evaluate this statement._x000D_

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