imagine that the tanf program is up for congressional reauthorization and that your congressional representative has asked you, as an expert on poverty and welfare, to make policy recommendations. assume that your goal is to reduce poverty and welfare, to make policy recommendations. assume that you goal is to reduce poverty. what changes, if any , should be made to the TANF program to achive this goal?
MUST read the resouces and use readings as argrument
READ USE this :
the most extensive, most generous and by measure the most effective means tested cash transfer policy in the 21st century united states is the earned income tax credit. what makes this policy different from other means tested transfers. such as TANF? How does it work and why ? who is and who not
MUST USE READINGS for agrument :
1) the role of the earned income tax credit in budgets of low income households
social service review by mendenhall, rudy, kathryn edin, susan crowley, jennifer sykes