Does true altruism exist?

What is altruism?_x000D_
How is altruism different from pro-social behaviour and egoism?_x000D_
How do we define €˜personal rewards€™?_x000D_
What do evolutionary psychologists say about altruism?_x000D_
What factors might influence altruistic behaviour?_x000D_
Cultural values?_x000D_
Your essay must answer the question._x000D_
Your answer must be based on research and an integration of the relevant aspects of_x000D_
social psychology, i.e. not your personal opinion, rather a point of view that is_x000D_
informed by research._x000D_
You need to convince the reader that your point of view is correct by providing evidence_x000D_
in the form of research findings._x000D_
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