Analysis and the Design phases and sub-steps of the ADDIE model – HRM402 CASE#1
Type of document Essay
4 Pages Double Spaced
Subject area Management
Academic Level Undergraduate
Style APA
References 3
Order description:
For THE Case 1 follow the Analysis and the Design phases and sub-steps of the ADDIE model, step by step. Cover everything in detail. Be as specific as possible. If there is unknown information, make logical assumptions for information needed and include a section in your paper showing the assumptions you made. Bring in at least one source found outside of your course materials to help build your paper (be sure to cite sources).
Phase: Analysis
- Instructional Goals: Clearly define what the training topic and parameters need to be.
- Instructional Analysis: Provide all the steps learners need to follow to complete the task.
- Learner Analysis: What do you know about the learners? Also, what do you still need to know about them? How will you find out?
- Learning Objectives: What do you want the learner to be able to do, explain, or demonstrate at the end of the training period?