Application: Immunization Registry Requirements






Recall that in Week 3, you completed an assignment for which you were asked to generate a set of data categories for an immunization registry database. You thought about the kinds of data that were needed, and how to organize them. This week, with that same immunization registry database in mind, you will start to generate a list of project requirements with the goal of writing a requirements definition._x000D_
Before you begin work on this assignment, and have viewed the media program for this week. Both of these resources will help you think about the kind of requirements that are necessary for an immunization registry database._x000D_
Additionally, after you have outlined a draft of your requirements, you should try to enlist help from an IT professional. The easiest route may be to seek help at your current place of employment. Is there a fellow employee who might have database development experience? Does he or she have experience in creating a formal set of project requirements? What can he or she tell you about business requirements versus user requirements?_x000D_
Keep the following in mind:_x000D_
•Decide whether or not this will be a local or a national database. Requirements may be different in each case._x000D_
•Recall your communication plan from the Week 3 Application Assignment. From whom would you request help in determining what requirements are necessary, if you were actually going to manage the development of this database? From whom can you request help now??_x000D_
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