– Research and Psychology

If I were a psychology researcher and I wanted to examine how the use of technology affected social interactions between high school students I would do an Experiment Design. I would try to see if the theory is true that teens lose face to face contact even when they are together when they have technological devices at hand._x000D_
the hypothesis I would like to test is : If social devices are not involved or around to use would kids socialize with each other? would they know how to socialize with each other?_x000D_
For this Experiment I would use a group of 100 teens between the ages of 14-18 years of age chosen by random. I would give half of the kids(Group A) electronic devices and the other half I would give them no devices (group B). I would have them together for a period of 2 hours a day over the course of 3 days._x000D_
over the course of the 3 days, I’d like to see if the kids (group A) with the devices spent the entire time on the devices or if they attempted to socialize with any of the other kids in the room with them. I’d then like to see how the kids without devices (group B) reacted to having no electronic devices. Did they attempt to talk to the other kids? Was it difficult for the kids in group B to interact with one another? At the conclusion of the 3 days, I’d like to know how all the kids reacted to being placed in a room with other people they didn’t know, and if they were able to make new friends, or learn something about the other person._x000D_
Some challenges I can predict happening, is the awkwardness that meeting a person face to face can entail when you are unfamiliar with meeting and socializing with new people especially in new surroundings._x000D_
another challenge is you cannot predict how long will it take for these teens to begin speaking with one another._x000D_
another question I have is, will their be any negative side effects from being away from social devices. Will there be any withdrawal symptoms?_x000D_
some limitations I can see occurring is since it is random, you won’t know the age or sex of the teens and what rooms they get divided up into which can also affect the outcome._x000D_
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