Greek Mythology: The Characterization of Prometheus

Prometheus is a character in Hesiod’s Theogony, Aeschylus’ Prometheus Bound, Aristophanes’ Birds, Plato’s_x000D_
Protagoras, and Lucian’s Dialogues of the Gods. How does the nature of each of these genres (and in the course_x000D_
of your paper you must define the genres!) affect their portrayal of him? Your paper must be more than a_x000D_
summary of each story and reference both lecture and section discussions, as well as, of course, all five works._x000D_
Your paper should accommodate both the differences and similarities in these various portrayals._x000D_
To get full points you will need to demonstrate a solid understanding of how genre impacts characterization._x000D_
This is a link to a reading given: Plato and Socrates have something to do with Prometheus’s characterization_x000D_
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