Select an example of your own behavior and determine if your behavior was caused by classical conditioning or operant conditioning. Describe and analyze that behavior in a brief paper, maximum length of one page, double spaced, with 12 point font and one inch margins only. Make sure to put your name at the top of the page, or you will receive a zero for the assignment. Follow the directions below._x000D_
First: Describe your behavior in 1-2 paragraphs. Include only as much personal history as is relevant to understanding the behavior (for example, if you are terrified of frogs, you can explain to us how you became terrified of them)._x000D_
Second: Once you have typed your description of your behavior, indicate whether the behavior was caused by classical conditioning or operant conditioning._x000D_
Third: Answer the following questions to analyze your behavior. Keep in mind that your behavior will either be classical or operant conditioning, and NOT BOTH. You must pick one. Choosing the incorrect behavior process will result in a heavy penalty, so make sure you are applying the concepts correctly when you choose!_x000D_
If your behavior was caused by classical conditioning, answer ALL of the following questions concerning your behavior:_x000D_
What is the Unconditioned Stimulus?_x000D_
What is the Unconditioned Response?_x000D_
What is the Neutral Stimulus?_x000D_
What is the Conditioned Stimulus?_x000D_
What is the Conditioned Response?_x000D_
If your behavior was caused by operant conditioning, answer ALL of the following questions concerning your behavior:_x000D_
What is the antecedent?_x000D_
What is the behavior?_x000D_
What is the consequence?_x000D_
Is your behavior’s consequence an example of reinforcement or punishment?_x000D_
Is this positive or negative reinforcement/punishment?_x000D_
What is the specific schedule of reinforcement used in your example?_x000D_
When answering the above questions, you do not have to define terms. You do, however, need to clearly identify each question that you are answering. You also need to write in full and complete sentences, so don’t submit a bullet pointed list of the questions with answers sketched in to them. Keep in mind, also, that you must only provide ONE example of behavior to analyze, and it cannot be BOTH classical and operant conditioning. The total completed document should be no longer than one full page in length, 12 point font, double spaced, with one inch margins. Going over the single page limit will result in an automatic five point deduction._x000D_
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