Research and write a 2,750 word Literature Review in current APA format that focuses on a topic relevant to the contemporary issues and practices of leadership and management. The paper must include at least 30 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible, with no more than 15% direct quotations._x000D_
Further instructions:_x000D_
You will write a research paper of 2750 words (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) on a management topic of Effective Leadership. The paper must be written in strict conformance to current APA standards, and must utilize at least 30 scholarly sources._x000D_
Paper Requirements:_x000D_
• The paper is to be your original work and written solely for this order._x000D_
• The paper must be written using current APA format, including a title page, an abstract, and a references list.._x000D_
• The paper must have a minimum of 2750 words and a maximum of 3000 words._x000D_
• It must be uploaded as a Word document (.doc)._x000D_
• Do not use bullets or listing anywhere in the paper._x000D_
• It must be written in third person._x000D_
• Any charts, graphs, pictures, etc., must be put in an appendix and do not count toward the minimum word count._x000D_
• No more than 1 block quote is to be used (of up to 50 words). Show block quotations of more than 39 words as follows:_x000D_
o Continue use of double spacing within the quote._x000D_
o Indent entire blocked quote 5 spaces from left-hand margin._x000D_
o Do not use quotation marks._x000D_
• References must be as follows:_x000D_
o A minimum of 30 different references must be used._x000D_
o All references must be from peer-reviewed journals published within the last 4 years._x000D_
o Textbooks, books, dissertations, web blogs, abstracts, and other ancillary materials do not count as required references._x000D_
o All references must be cited somewhat equally in the narrative with no references over- or under-represented._x000D_
o Quotations must not be more than 15% of the paper – paraphrase and properly cite all material._x000D_
• Reference Section_x000D_
o Start on a new page._x000D_
o Double-space throughout references._x000D_
• The customer will upload at least 17 references/resources as well as the annotated bibliography and outline._x000D_
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