
Start a binder on all the best chemical dependency treatment options available to your consumers. You will turn in a list of programs in your community (or nearby communities) to which you can refer consumers.

1. Give the complete name, address, phone numbers, contact person and a short (2-3 sentences) description of what is offered. You will have to call each program you add to your list to get this information. While you are speaking with a representative of the program, request that they send you any written material and referral forms they have. This will be added to your binder later.

2. Organize this list according to inpatient, outpatient, and specific population served (gender, age, etc.).

3. Add names of psychologists/psychiatrists who specialize in chemical dependency counseling and assessment.

4. Add a list of AA meeting sites and times. Have at least 10 options/treatment programs as well as AA meeting times and sites.

The goal is that you begin the process of having an up-to-date desktop reference for chemical dependency treatment options. You can refer to this reference when counseling consumers who require these services. You can later add in handouts, web sites, drug lists, etc. that you have viewed in the different weeks of this course.

Write your answer in your own word processing program and save it as either a .doc file (Word document) or .rtf file (Rich Text Format document). At the beginning of your paper, type the entire question that you are answering. When you are finished, submit your assignment under View/Complete below.