Individual Self-Reflection Paper

Individual Self-Reflection Paper

Throughout the course of the semester you will be asked to complete a number of self-assessments during lecture that will help you to learn about yourself and your preferences when it comes to organizations. You will then be asked to write an individual paper where you reflect on these self-assessments in relation to your experiences in organizations. The focus of this paper is self-reflection, and not on theories. However, you will need to use research and theory to support the claims you make regarding issues as they are related to YOU. As such, there is no need to include all relevant theories, and certainly there isn’t room for this based on the short length of the paper. Rather, marks are allocated for DEPTH of self-reflection, evidence of the use of self-assessments as part of the self-reflection, and reference to theory/research as it is applicable to the above. You are required to include at least two reputable academic articles to support your arguments.
All self-assessments will be distributed and completed during the class lecture. There will be six assessments in total, and they should be completed and submitted in hard-copy. If you miss a self-assessment you will only be provided with one by the instructor if you produce evidence of a legitimate reason for your absence.
Your individual self-reflection paper should be a maximum of 6 pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins. Failure to adhere to the formatting requirements will result in a 1-2 mark penalty.