Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Rex

Dramatic Irony in Oedipus Rex

Work type:      Research paper

Format:            APA

Pages:  1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Deadline:         Oct 13, 2021 at 7:27 PM (1 d, 09 h, 49 m)

Academic level:          Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:   Literature

Title:    LITR- 100 – Discussion Seven 7 (Managed)

Number of sources:     0

Paper instructions:      

LITR- 100 – Discussion Seven 7 (Managed)

Irony in Oedipus (first post due 10/14; second post due 10/16)

Find at least two passages in Oedipus Rex that contain dramatic irony.  You may not use the examples that were in the lesson on Irony–you should find your own.  For each passage, explain why it contains dramatic irony.  What do we know that the characters don’t that makes their speech or their action ironic?  In addition to the two quotations (with the line numbers in the parenthetical citation), you must include a works cited list. See below for the proper work cited entry if you are using the edition assigned; feel free to copy and paste it.  If you are using another edition, you will need to create an appropriate work cited entry for it yourself. 

Remember that both of your posts must be at least 150 words long, contain proper grammar/spelling, and be original. 

In order to make your posting, click on the “Irony in Oedipus” link below under Discussions.   You will not be able to see any other students’ posts until you have posted your own.  There is a one-hour delay for editing before the post goes live, though the post is counted as turned in as soon as you hit the “Post to forum” button.  Click on the “Reply” link to that person’s post.

Work cited:

Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. Prestwick House, Inc., 2005.

‘Oedipus Rex’ is a play known for its countless examples of dramatic irony. In this lesson, we’ll learn the definition of dramatic irony and look at some of those moments in the play.

Oedipus Rex: Background

Sophocles’ play Oedipus Rex is a Greek tragedy, a type of play that uses characters the audience already knows. As all Greek tragedies do, it features a tragic hero. Tragic heroes are characterized by a fatal flaw, usually pride, that leads to their downfall. Sophocles’ audience was familiar with the tragic hero Oedipus’ background: that he unknowingly killed his father, King Laius, and married his mother, Jocasta. Oedipus hasn’t realized that yet, which creates some great examples of dramatic irony in the play.

Definition of Dramatic Irony

Dramatic irony is irony that the audience understands but that the characters don’t see. In other words, dramatic irony happens when a character says or does something that makes it clear they’re missing some important information.

It’s like when you watch the movie Titanic. It’s based on a famous moment in history: when the supposed ‘unsinkable’ ship hits an iceberg and sinks. Although we know how the story will end, the characters in the movie don’t. We see dramatic irony when the characters do something, like expressing excitement about boarding the luxurious Titanic, or say something, such as ‘God himself could not sink this ship. That shows they definitely don’t know what we know: that ship is sinkable.

Sophocles created Oedipus Rex around the idea that the audience knows Oedipus’ background but Oedipus himself doesn’t; a great set-up for dramatic irony. In fact, it could be argued that Oedipus Rex is the most ironic play ever performed.

Examples of Dramatic Irony

Oedipus says:

‘I did not think it fit that I should hear

of this from messengers but came myself,

I Oedipus whom all men call the Great.’

The play opens with a scene already full of dramatic irony. The city of Thebes is suffering from a plague and the people have turned to their king, Oedipus, for help. In the past, he saved them from the Sphinx, so they trust that he can solve this problem as well. Of course, neither the citizens of Thebes nor Oedipus himself realize that he is the reason for the curse on the city.

Oedipus states:

‘Whoe’er he be, I order

That… all men from their houses banish him;

Since it is he contaminates us all,

Even as the Pythian oracle divine

Revealed but now to me.’

At this point in the play, an oracle has told Oedipus that there is a plague in the city of Thebes because the former king’s murderer has never been found and punished. In this quote, Oedipus is referring to the murderer; he declares that once found, the murderer must be banished. This is dramatic irony because although we know Oedipus murdered King Laius, Oedipus doesn’t, which means he also doesn’t realize he’s banishing himself. It’s also interesting that he mentions the oracle revealing something to him, since it was an oracle early in his life who warned him about killing King Laius.

Oedipus says:

‘On these accounts I, as for my own father,

Will fight this fight, and follow out every clue,

Seeking to seize the author of his murder.’

Again, Oedipus insists that he’ll make sure Laius’s murderer is punished, unknowingly cursing himself. He says that he’ll search out the murderer with all his might, as he would for his own father. The declaration is an example of dramatic irony because he vows to find the murderer of his own father… he just doesn’t realize Laius is his father or that he is the murderer, as we do.

The prophet Tiresias says:

‘I say you know not in what worst of shame

You live together with those nearest you,

And see not in what evil plight you stand.’

As these harsh words leave Oedipus’s mouth, he never once thinks he will be cursing himself; but the audience know that he indeed is placing the curse upon himself.

This is an example of dramatic irony because the audience knows that Oedipus himself is the murderer that he is seeking to find; however, Oedipus, Creon, and Jocasta do not. Another example of dramatic irony is how Oedipus insults the old man, Tiresias. In anger, Oedipus says, “In truth, but not in you! You have no strength, blind in your eyes, your reason, and your eyes. ” (1,1,375)

Sophocles’ Oedipus the King, builds the entire story using dramatic irony throughout the play. Despite Oedipus’s ignorance about who he is, Sophocles uses dramatic irony to let the readers know who Oedipus truly is and to hint at what all will take place throughout the entire story. Sophocles uses many different scenes throughout the play that portray dramatic irony. Although, the three most important are Oedipus’s curse towards himself, Oedipus’s insult to Tiresias, and the fortune-teller’s prophecy about Oedipus.

Oedipus cursing himself – first example of dramatic irony

The first act of dramatic irony is Oedipus’s curse towards himself. Out of anger, at not being able to find the murderer of Laius, Oedipus intends to curse the murderer. However, he is actually cursing himself. For instance, in scene one Oedipus says, “And this curse, too, against the one who did it, whether alone in secrecy, or with others: may he wear out his life unblest and evil! ” (1,1,251) As these harsh words leave Oedipus’s mouth, he never once thinks he will be cursing himself; but the audience know that he indeed is placing the curse upon himself.

This is an example of dramatic irony because the audience knows that Oedipus himself is the murderer that he is seeking to find; however, Oedipus, Creon, and Jocasta do not. Another example of dramatic irony is how Oedipus insults the old man, Tiresias. In anger, Oedipus says, “In truth, but not in you! You have no strength, blind in your eyes, your reason, and your eyes. ” (1,1,375) These words anger Tiresias even more than he already is, so he replies to Oedipus, “Unhappy man! Those jeers you hurl at me before long all these men will hurl at you. (1,1,377)

Oedipus insulting Tiresias not knowing he insults himself

All of Tiresias’ words come into existence. The dramatic irony in the statement Oedipus hurls at Tiresias results in Oedipus becoming blind himself. Not physically blind at first, but he could not see what his own true identity is at that moment. Also, after finding out who he truly is and as he looks down on Jocasta’s (Oedipus’s mother/wife) dead body, Oedipus plunges out his own eyes using the pins from Jocasta’s clothes so that he can see no more evil. The final example of dramatic irony is the fortune-teller’s prophecy.

In the beginning of the play, Laius and Jocasta have to make an important decision about whether or not to kill their son in order to save Laius’s life. The fortune-teller has delivered a prophecy to the couple which said their son will grow up to kill his father and marry to his mother. Thus, they pierce his ankles together and give him to a shepherd who is ordered to kill the child. Instead of killing him, the shepherd gives him to another shepherd who takes Oedipus and gives him to King Polybus and Queen Merope from Corinth to raise.

How Oedipus’ attempts to escape fate make the prophecy come true

By doing this, the shepherd does not know he is actually helping the prophecy to come true. In addition, Oedipus grows up and is also given the same prophecy, so he flees from Corinth to find somewhere else to live. By doing this, Oedipus also helps the prophecy to come to past. Along the way to find his new home, Oedipus kills an old man in self-defense, who is later discovered to be Laius (his father). After taking over Laius’s thrown and marrying Laius’s wife (Jocasta/ Oedipus’s mother), Oedipus later finds out that the prophecy has come true.

Not only has the prophecy come true, but Oedipus has played a huge part in helping it come to past. He finds that running from the prophecy has caused him to actually run into the life which the prophet has warned him about rather than saving him from the life which he despises and thinks he has escaped. The dramatic irony behind these events is, although Oedipus thinks he has defeated the prophecy, the prophecy is being fulfilled throughout the story without the knowledge of the main characters.

Although Oedipus, along with most of the other characters, does not know what is actually going on during the play, the audience does. Because of Sophocles’ ability to use dramatic irony throughout the play, it gives the readers the ability to know everything that is going to happen before it actually takes place. Even though Sophocles uses many scenes to portray dramatic irony, the three most important are Oedipus’s curse, Oedipus’s insult, and the fortune-teller’s prophecy.

Corruption within policing

Corruption within policing

Work type:          Discussion Essay

Format:      APA

Pages:        1 pages (275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Subject or discipline:   Criminal Justice

Title: Case Review & Summary #2-CJ 3311

Number of sources:        0    

Paper instructions:     

For this week’s corruption assignment, select an article relevant that describes a situation of corruption within policing.

In order to complete the assignment, students will need to provide a news source about the corruption example, a brief synopsis written by the student, and an explanation of whether this corruption stemmed from individual, organization, or societal influence.

Why can’t he hear what I’m saying? By Deborah Tannen

Why can’t he hear what I’m saying? By Deborah Tannen

Work type:          Research paper

Format:      APA

Pages:        2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:   Literature

Title: Why can’t he hear what I’m saying? By Deborah Tannen

Number of sources:     1

Paper instructions:     


1. What is Deborah Tannen’s purpose in writing this article? Which passages best Communicate that purpose?

2. Tannen uses the pronoun you in addressing the reader. Who is Tannen’s Intended audience?

3. Tannen argues that differences in conversational style between men and women cause miscommunication. What examples does she offer in support of this idea? Do you agree with her position?

4. What have you observed as the most important difference between men and women, a difference that sometimes makes communication difficult?

5. Paraphrase Tannen’s definition of culture in paragraph 10. Find another defini tion of culture in a dictionary or encyclopedia. How does it compare with Tannen’s? How does Tannen’s definition fit her purpose?

6. What connections does Tannen make between the “culture” learned as children and the adult behavior of men and women? What behavior does this early pat terning cause? What evidence does she provide, and is the evidence sufficient to make this connection between childhood and adult behavior plausible?

Applying Rule 217 Minor Incident versus Reportable incident

Applying Rule 217 Minor Incident versus Reportable incident

Work type:          Creative writing

Format:      APA

Pages:        1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:   Nursing

Title: Writer’s choice

Number of sources:     0

Paper instructions:     

question and Answer

Part 1: Applying Rule 217.16

Let’s review what deems a Minor Incident (217.16 a) vs. a Reportable incident- (217.16 h)-

A minor incident is- 217.16(a)- nurses’ actions may be a violation of a board rule, but does not indicate the nurses continued practice poses a risk of harm to a patient or another person.

A reportable incident is- 217.16(h)- conduct that falls outside of the definition of a minor incident and must be reported to a PRC or BON.

Let’s come up with an easy way to remember what is a minor incident- in case you are ever in this situation, whether this happens to you or you are participating on a peer review committee evaluating a fellow nurse’s actions. Think about the word “harp.”

H- no significant Harm

A- nurse must take Accountability

R- easily Remediated

P- no Pattern of this behavior

However, these minor incidents still must be documented, tracked and remedied. The nurse must be reported to the nursing peer review committee if a nurse commits five (5) minor incidents within a 12-month period.

Look at this case study scenario below.

“Nurse Karen is caring for a newly admitted 67-year-old male patient with infectious endocarditis due to a bacterial infection of his prosthetic heart valve.  After blood cultures come back positive for staphylococcus aureus, IV Vancomycin is ordered.  He tells Nurse Karen and the doctor that the last time he got this medication, he experienced hives and hot, itchy skin but he was not allergic to it. The doctor ordered the medication to be infused slowly as to avoid Red Man Syndrome (500 mg IV bag at a rate of two hours as opposed to the standard one hour).  Karen sets the IV pump incorrectly, and the infusion is given within a 30-minute period.  She calls the doctor and immediately gives 50 mg diphenhydramine and ranitidine 50 mg via IV with orders.  The patient experienced mild flushing, but the episode resolved within 20 minutes.  Karen is a well-seasoned nurse with over 20 years of experience and no prior history of incidents.  She took immediate responsibility for this error when meeting with the unit manager.  Karen will now need another RN to witness and sign when she administers IV medication for the next 60 days.  Karen agrees to this plan.” Using the Texas BON Rule 217.16, review (a) a Minor Incident vs. (h) a reportable incident. This information can be found at https://www.bon.texas.gov/rr_current/217-16.asp

Based on your assessment of the criteria, was this a Minor Incident or reportable event? Why or Why not? Please write four (4) professionally written sentences with examples from the Rule to support your thoughts for full credit. Minor or Reportable?

Why? Or Why not? Include examples from the Rule.

Part 2: Applying Rule 217.19 Incident-Based Peer Review

First, review your learning about incident-based peer review. The purpose of an IBPR is to determine whether a nurse should be reported to the Texas Board of Nursing (BON) for professional misconduct or licensure violations based on one or more such events.

Please use the link provided at https://www.bon.texas.gov/rr_current/217-19.asp

to review. Apply the information to this case study-

“Nurse Sam is charting at the nurse’s station where there are

-workers, physicians and a unit secretary gathered.  Sam and the nurse manager have not been co seeing eye to eye lately (verbal altercations both in the halls and in the cafeteria recently).  The nurse manager approaches Sam and loudly states, “I am glad you are here.  Just to let you know, the Incident Based Peer Review Committee is meeting tomorrow, and we are investigating your recent questionable behavior.  I know you have made many recent medication errors and safety violations noted by the Patient Safety Committee.  I also heard you are dating that patient who was in Room 256B last month.  I thought you would want to know this was happening, you could be in big trouble and probably fired.  I don’t have anything official to give you, but you better find a lawyer, although I doubt you can with this short notice.”

How did this nurse manager violate the IBPR? Refer to the Rule listed below and discuss in the text box.

Rule 219.19 a (2) Bad Faith- knowingly or recklessly acting without the supported of reasonable or legal basis, misrepresenting the facts surrounding the facts under review, acting out of malice or personal animosity towards the nurse, acting from a conflict of interest, or knowingly or recklessly denying due process. How did this nurse manager violate the IBPR based on this rule? Please write four (4) professionally written sentences with examples from the Rule to support your thoughts for full credit.

Part 3: Multiple Choice Questions Answer the following multiple-choice questions according to the Module 3 readings and lectures. They are worth 5 points each, there is only 1 correct answer.

1). According to Clevette and colleagues, examples of unsafe, common disciplinary actions reviewed by boards of nursing include all of the following EXCEPT-

a). Destruction or alteration of patient records, including fraudulent charting and/or signatures and/or replacement of records with intent to mislead or deceive.

b). Physical patient abuse, such as when a nurse hits, strikes, or performs similar physical acts of aggression involving patient contact.

c). Practicing beyond the authorized scope, such as administering medications without a physician’s order.

d). Failure to implement safeguards to ensure patient confidentiality and integrity of patients protected health information, violating HIPPA.

). Failure to implement safeguards to ensure patient confidentiality and integrity of patients protected health information, violating HIPPA.

2). Rule 217.19 in Texas, Incident Based Nursing Peer Review and Whistleblower Protections provides to the nurse being peer reviewed EXCEPT-

a). Minimum protection

b). Minimum due process

c). Minimum legal representation

d). Minimum rights afforded to nurse

3). If a nurse does not agree to the discipline set due to a complaint made against this nurse, after reviewing the proposed agreed order, they can request a-

a). Informal conference

b). Formal conference

c). Informal hearing

d). Formal hearing4). Common nursing remedial education courses required if a nurse is being disciplined are-

a). medication refresher, ethics, geriatric care, nursing jurisprudence, care coordination.

b). ethics course, care coordination, documentation, medication refresher.

c). physical assessment refresher, critical thinking, documentation, medication refresher, geriatric care.

d). nursing jurisprudence, documentation, ethics, medication refresher, physical assessment refresher and critical thinking.

animal rights euthanasia or global poverty

animal rights euthanasia or global poverty


All Files


Order History

Type of service:  Writing from Scratch

Work type:          Essay (any type)

Format:      APA

Pages:        2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  High school

Subject or discipline:   Cultural and Ethnic Studies

Title: Writer’s choice

Number of sources:     0

Paper instructions:     

Explaining an Argument

Before beginning this paper, make sure that you have completed Modules 2 & 3 and taken a look at my feedback from Paper 1. It is also highly recommended that you have read LaFollette’s “Writing a Philosophy Paper” from Ethics in Practice: An Anthology. This paper is worth 10% of your grade in this course and, as a result, will be graded out of 100 pts total. Make sure to follow the following instructions and look at the rubric.


This paper will explain an argument that you have read on your applied ethics topic (animal rights, euthanasia, or global poverty). You will also begin to think of potential objections to this argument. So, in Part 1, explain one of the arguments from the paper you read in 2.2 or 3.2 on your applied ethics topic (animal rights, euthanasia, or global poverty). This will be the same argument that you explained in Applied Discussion 2 or Applied Discussion 3. Then, in Part 2, you will give three potential objections to the argument and explain which objection you think is the best objection to the argument you have chosen (and why).

Specific Instructions for Structuring the Paper

In your final paper, you will be asked to explain and evaluate an argument. This paper is the beginning of that assignment and will function as a draft for the first part of Paper 3. This paper should be organized according to the rubric below, including an introduction and conclusion, as well as Part I and Part II as follows:

Part I – Explain the author’s argument in the article that you’ve chosen. In his/her view, what is the correct position to have on the applied ethics issue you chose? What are the reasons that he/she gives in support of his/her view?

Part II – Present potential problems for the author’s position. This will not need to be fully developed. Just give three potential problems with the author’s argument (in complete sentences) as bullet points. Make sure that you briefly explain to them so that I know why this is a problem for the author’s argument. After presenting the potential problems, explain which objection is the best objection to the author’s argument, in your view. Make sure to explain why.


This paper will be graded on content, not length. That being said, you should aim for 2-3 pages. If your paper is too short, you won’t have included all of this assignment’s necessary portions. Your paper should include an introduction, paragraphs devoted to the reasons for your position, and a conclusion. If your paper seems to be a bit long, make sure every word is necessary. You should be able to explain the concepts succinctly as well as clearly.

Business Problem Assessment

Business Problem Assessment

Paper Type: essay

Subject:   Business

Pages        5 (1375 Words)

Sources    3

Spacing    Double

Citation   APA

Academic Level        Doctoral

Quality     Standard

Paper details

Write a 4-5 page business report in which you formulate and analyze business problems found in three scholarly articles.


As a business leader, you will be required to solve problems. In order to effectively solve a problem, you must be able to accurately identify it and formulate a clear problem statement. For this assessment, you will develop a business report where you will formulate three business problems that justify the need for a project related to leadership, information systems, and marketing management.


Complete the following to prepare for this assessment.


Read the following articles. You will be assessing the needs of the organization for improving organizational effectiveness. You will develop a business report where you will formulate three business problems that justify the need for a project related to leadership, information systems, and marketing management. Your audience for this business report is senior executives for the company who will decide whether to sponsor and support the project.

Shufutinsky, A., Deporres, D., Long, B., & Sibel, J. R. (2020). Shock leadership development for the modern era of pandemic management and preparedness. International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 13(1), 20-42.

Li, T., & Chan, Y. E. (2019). Dynamic information technology capability: Concept definition and framework development. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 28(4), 101575.

Lepkowska-White, E., Parsons, A., & Berg, W. (2019). Social media marketing management: An application to small restaurants in the US. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(3), 321-345.


Write a 4-5 page business report in which you provide the following:

Write a one-page executive summary that highlights your report.

Formulate three business problems that justify the need for a project.

Develop a specific business problem for each of the following three areas: leadership, information systems, and marketing management.

For each of the three business problems, describe how it relates to concerns that businesspeople in the larger industry, field, or area care about.

Support your problem statements by presenting evidence from scholarly literature.

For each of the three problem statements, include an illustration that shows how the problem was narrowed down using a fishbone diagram (Ishikawa diagram) or a cause-and-effect diagram, where you identified the problem, worked out the major factors involved, identified possible causes, and analyzed your diagram to determine the focus of your problem statement.

Select one of your problems and propose a potential Riipen type project that is related to one of your problem statements and can be completed by a Capella learner. Be sure to detail the scope of the potential project. You can assume you are writing a project for CapraTek.

Your report should include the following headings:

Executive Summary.

Leadership Business Problem.

Information Systems Business Problem.

Marketing Business Problem.

Project Proposals.


The biggest legacy of the Jim Crow system

The biggest legacy of the Jim Crow system

Work type:          Research paper

Format:      APA

Pages:        1 pages ( 275 words, Double spaced

Deadline:   Oct 22, 2021 at 3:57 PM (19 h, 43 m)

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)

Subject or discipline:   History

Title: Discussion

Number of sources:     3

Paper instructions:     

In 300 words answer the following using the readings below.

What was the biggest legacy of the Jim Crow system as described by those who lived it?


cognitive impairment Alzheimer’s disease

cognitive impairment Alzheimer’s disease

Type of service:  Academic Writing

Work type:          Other : Assignment

Format:      APA

Pages:        3 pages ( 825 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Discipline:  Nursing

Title: Memory poster

Number of sources:     2

Paper instructions:     

For this assignment, you will choose a cognitive impairment ( Alzheimer’s disease)

1 Psychophysiology

Thorough description of psychophysiology of the cognitive impairment in student’s words.

2 Clinical manifestations and assessment findings

Thoroughly details clinical manifestations and assessment findings

3 Diagnosis

Process for diagnosis described in complete detail.

4 Nursing interventions and management

Clear, relevant priority focus areas for care of a client with cognitive impairment are identified with appropriate nursing interventions.

5 Client and caregiver education

Teaching points for both client and caregiver are clearly identified and relevant.

gerontologic nursing = nursing concepts/theories related to the older adult

gerontologic nursing = nursing concepts/theories related to the older adult

Work type:          Discussion Essay

Format:      APA

Pages:        2 pages ( 550 words, Double spaced

Academic level:  Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Subject or discipline:   Nursing

Title: Writer’s choice

Number of sources:     2

Paper instructions:     

1. What specific nursing concepts/theories related to the older adult that are relevant to this experience when assessing and providing teaching to adults about home safety, pain management and sleep. Explain the concept, theory, etc. clearly and concisely so that someone unfamiliar with it could understand it.

2. How did gerontology nursing emerge in the experience (When did I see it or note its absence? How did or should I or some else use it?)

3. What gerontologic nursing (e.g. disciplinary, intellectual, professional) skills did I use/should I have used? In what ways did I think from the gerontologic nurse’s perspective and what were the results?

4. In what ways are my understanding of gerontologic nursing or a skill and the experience the same and in what specific ways are they different? What are the possible reasons for the difference(s) (e.g. bias, assumptions, lack of information on my part or on the part of the community)?

5. What did your experience teach you about who you are relative to the person you want to become as a Registered Nurse?