Walmart Company Analysis Paper

Walmart Company Analysis Paper

Walmart Company Analysis Paper

Instructions: Read all instructions carefully. Respond to each of the questions below using proper grammar and sentence structure, but do not make responses “fluffy.”  Outline format is ok for question 1.  Relay answers concisely.  Get right to the point.  Avoid long lead-ins before responding to the question.  Students should review the lecture guide and slides carefully to be sure that they have a clear understanding of the relevant course concept before responding to each question.  Stay focused on the course concept that is mentioned in each question. Do not stray into other areas that are not relevant to the course concept mentioned in the question.  Define each course concept in your own words so it is clear that you understand it and clearly explain how it helps inform the reader about the action in the case. 

Although most people are familiar with Walmart, students should be sure to base their response on facts from the case.  Students should make minimal use of their own preconceived knowledge and opinions about Walmart to support their ideas.  Students should cite where in the case they found all facts about Walmart reported in this paper by placing the page number in parentheses right after the fact is described, thus (Pg. 1).  There should be several such cites in each response. Facts about Walmart that are not cited in this way will be presumed to not have come from the case. Students should be able to find at least a couple of relevant facts from the case to use in responding to each question.  Some questions will have more connections to the case.  Be sure to give complete responses.

Use this Word file as a template.  Students should type their response to each question in the space provided right below the question.  Leave the question typed out on the final submission and refer back to it to be sure all parts of the question are responded to completely.

Students must complete question 1, but students may choose to skip ONE of the responses for questions 2-7 with no effect on their grade.


  1. Complete a SWOT analysis for Walmart.



  1. Describe all the examples of economies of scale that are mentioned or inferred in the case. Also explain how these economies of scale may lead to economic advantage for Walmart.



  1. Describe all the examples of diseconomies of scale that are mentioned or inferred in the case. Also explain how these diseconomies of scale may lead to economic disadvantage for Walmart.



  1. Describe any examples of economies of scope (or synergies) that are mentioned or inferred in the case. Also explain how these economies of scope may lead to economic advantage for Walmart.  Explain whether each example of economies of scope is also an example of horizontal or vertical diversification.



  1. Describe any examples of diseconomies of scope that are mentioned or inferred in the case. Also explain how these diseconomies of scope may lead to economic disadvantage for Walmart. Lastly, describe any plans mentioned in the case that Walmart has for overcoming these problems.



  1. Explain exactly how economies and diseconomies of density are providing economic advantage or disadvantage for Walmart.



  1. Try to predict how the Walmart management team’s proposed move into a more upscale market will affect economies and diseconomies of scale and scope within the company. In what ways is this move likely to help or harm the firm? Remember to stay focused on economies and diseconomies of scale and scope on this question.