How effective has the MERGE BETWEEN IDEA AND VODAFONE(India) been as a growth strategy?

How effective has the MERGE BETWEEN IDEA AND VODAFONE(India) been as a growth strategy?


Type of service:
Research Paper

Double spacing

Paper format:

Number of pages:
8 pages

Number of sources:
5 sources

Paper details:

-introduction for this research paper is not required, the essay may start directly with the investigation an end with the conclusion.
-when writing the research paper please follow the IB business management extended essay guide. ( is attached below)
-Any information used from the internet or books must be cited in the document using footnote citation. the information cited must have full detail such as ( author, date of publication, URL, website title, etc). A suitable website called easybib can be used in finding the citation.
-Cite all sources –preferably using MLA. expected to see at least 5 cited sources on an average page. Make sure you are really sure about when and how to cite. Easybib works well in helping to get citing information.
The E.E. should be in 12-point, preferably Arial or Times New Roman. And it should be double spaced, with numbered pages.
-Appropriate IB business and management tools can be used in investigating. ( has been attached below)
– A sample extended essay has been attached to give guidance.